Dr. Stefan Hennigs LL.M. (GWU)
T +49 40 3008510-0
F +49 40 3008510-99
M +49 1525 4929 282
E s.hennigs@lswf.de
Intellectual Property (IP)
Information Technology (IT)
Trademark Law
Unfair Competition Law
Stefan Hennigs advises and represents clients in matters of intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT). He is particularly experienced with trademark prosecution and litigation as well as IP- or IT-driven M&A transactions.
Attorney/Partner at Leo Schmidt-Hollburg Witte & Frank (since 2019)
Attorney/Associate at Harte-Bavendamm Rechtsanwälte in Hamburg (2014-2019)
Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property Law at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Research Associate at Leibniz University Hannover
Legal traineeship at the Higher District Court of Celle
Studies of law together with complementary business management and economics studies at the University of Bayreuth
World Trademark Review (WTR 1000): Trademark Law (every year since 2022)
Best Lawyers: Intellectual Property Law Germany (every year since 2022)
Leaders League: Trademark Litigation and Trademark Prosecution (since 2024)
Deutschlands beste Anwälte (Handelsblatt): Intellectual Property Law (every year since 2022)
“Stefan is not only an intelligent and professional lawyer, but also experienced in negotiations and in understanding how IP connects to the wellbeing of clients. He has excellent in-depth knowledge of trademark law and combines an outstanding eye for detail with superb research into and use of case law to achieve first-rate results.“ (Client, WTR 2022)
“Stefan is instrumental in managing the different strategical interests of clients while also putting up a sound defence. Stefan is analytically sharp, strategically minded and comfortable to work with.“ (Client, WTR 2024)
“Stefan Hennigs offers an extensive breadth of experience, consistently providing advice and support that are not only top-notch but also accurate, reliable and goal-oriented.“ (Client, WTR 2025)
Select Publications
Commentary on Art. 8(1) and 8(2) EUTMR, in: Kur/v. Bomhard/Albrecht (Eds.), Trademark Law, Beck Online Commentary (4th printed edition 2023)
Unlauterer Wettbewerb durch Verwendung unwirksamer Vertragsklauseln (doctoral thesis, 2017)
Leistungsschutz für nachfolgenden Originalhersteller (GRUR-Prax 2016, 292)
General Report (together with Axel Metzger), in: Metzger (Ed.), Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and other Alternative License Models – A Comparative Analysis (2015)
Ergänzender wettbewerbsrechtlicher Leistungsschutz auch bei ehemals patentiertem Element möglich (together with Frederik Thiering, GRUR-Prax 2015, 350)
Höheres nationales Schutzniveau bei missbräuchlichen Klauseln (GRUR 2012, 641)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)