Dr. Felix Sparka, LL.M. (Miami)
T +49 40 3008510-0
F +49 40 3008510-99
M +49 1525 4929 280
E f.sparka@lswf.de
Corporate Law
Mergers & Acquisitions
Dr. Felix Sparka was admitted to the bar in 2011 and joined the firm in 2013. His practice focuses on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and litigation.
Attorney-at-law with Leo Schmidt-Hollburg (since 2013)
Judge in Hamburg (2013)
Attorney-at-law with CMS Hasche Sigle, Hamburg (2011 to 2013)
Certified Specialist for corporate and commercial law
Doctorate degree from the University of Hamburg
L.M. degree from the University of Miami (2008)
Studies of law at the University of Hamburg, the Humboldt-University Berlin and the University of Miami
Scholar of the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs and Fulbright scholar.
Deutschlands beste Anwälte (Handelsblatt): Corporate Law (2021 to date) and Litigation (2022 und 2023); Best Lawyers®: Corporate Law Germany (2022 to date) and Litigation Germany (2023 and 2024).
Deutschlands beste Anwälte (Handelsblatt): Corporate Law (every year since 2023), Litigation (every year since 2024)
Select Publications
Wiese (Hrsg.), Unternehmensnachfolge – Steuerliche und rechtliche Gestaltung, 1. Aufl. 2021 (co-author chapter 20 „Kapitalgesellschaften“)
Zur Feststellung der Unwirksamkeit der Schiedsrichterernennung – Zugleich Besprechung von OLG München Beschluss vom 26.6.2019 – 34 SchH 6/18, SchiedsVZ 2019, 261
Czerwenka, Beate: Das Gesetz zur Reform des Seehandelsrechts. Einleitung, Erläuterung, Synopsen, RabelsZ 79 (2015), 209
Jurisdiction and Arbitration Clauses in Maritime Transport Documents, 2010, Springer.